Home Decor: The Seeds Collection from KOBO Pure Soy Candles

Wild Tomato Vine Candle | KOBO | Image via Rodale's
via Rodale's 

Like many of you, I'm sure, my inbox is flooded each morning with email alerts about the latest fashion flash sales, dining deals, and discount offers on local activities and events. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that a good majority of those emails get deleted without being opened. I'm not sure what motivated me to scroll through the batch of emails I received from Rodale's, but I came across this Wild Tomato Vine Candle ($28) from KOBO Pure Soy Candles, and now I'm obsessed.

Wild Tomato Vine Candle | KOBO | Image via Rodale's
via Rodale's

I think it's because the smell of tomatoes on the vine remind me of the vegetable garden that we had in our backyard growing up. And the specific smell of warm tomatoes reminds me of summer. While I haven't ordered the candle yet, I'm seriously considering buying one as a treat when I land my next freelance client.

The Wild Tomato Vine Candle is just one of the candles included in The Seeds Collection offered by KOBO. In addition to being environmentally-friendly, the candles in this collection come in "fully recycled, biodegradable, FSC-Certified, plantable packages which are infused with seeds that will grow the scent of the candle". So, if I planted the packaging of the Wild Tomato Vine Candle, then I'd eventually have a full Brandywine tomato plant!

Has anyone purchased one of these candles before? If so, then what did you think?

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