Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Light Alfredo Sauce and Broccoli
I'm so nervous, I can't think straight. After pushing myself through my training for the past few months and running during some pretty unbearable heat waves in New York, I am THREE DAYS away from the Hartford Marathon. When I think about how I felt the week before I ran last year's Philadelphia Half Marathon, I don't remember being this nervous. I was excited and ready to kick ass. Now? I'm anxious that I'm going to collapse and die on the side of the road.

I'm trying to remain positive and focused and calm. I'm constantly telling myself to take it "one mile at a time" and to concentrate on finishing rather than on breaking any records. (This is my first marathon.
Most of my recent meals have involved some type of whole wheat pasta because I know how essential it is to increase your intake of complex carbohydrates in order to train effectively. With that in mind, here's a pasta dish that I came up with because I was growing tired of eating pasta topped with a tomato-based sauce.
Rather than using whole cream or half-and-half, I used 1% milk (a staple in my refrigerator), so this is dish is relatively healthy. The resulting sauce is lighter in texture than a traditional Alfredo sauce, but you'll hardly miss the thick and creamy texture because the flavor is all there.
Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Light Alfredo Sauce and Broccoli
Yield: 2 servings | Printable Recipe
- 4 ounces whole wheat spaghetti
- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
- 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- 3/4 cup 1% milk
- 1 cup frozen chopped broccoli
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- Cook the spaghetti according to the package directions.
- While the spaghetti is cooking, melt the butter in a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the flour and stir. Cook the flour until it starts to take on a golden brown color.
- Whisk in the grated Parmesan cheese and milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, whisking constantly to prevent any lumps from forming.
- Add the chopped broccoli. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring often, until the sauce has thickened and the broccoli has been warmed through. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Drain the spaghetti and then add directly to the sauce. Do not rinse. Toss the spaghetti with the sauce to coat. Serve immediately.
Recipe by Michelle Rittler, Taste As You Go
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