An Easy Espresso with the Nespresso CitiZ

Taste As You Go Coffee Bar - Photo by Taste As You Go

I was provided with product samples at no cost to me. I do not accept monetary compensation for writing about these products or about my experience while using them. All opinions expressed are my own.

As evidenced by the row of appliances lined up in my kitchen, I have a serious addiction to coffee. My first summer job was at the local coffee shop in the center of town, so my love affair with coffee began when I was in high school. Now that I'm an adult, I've made sure that I have ready access to coffee at home by way of my Mr. Coffee coffee maker, Krups coffee grinder, and Keurig MINI (courtesy of my boyfriend's parents).

And then the intensity of my addiction changed with the delivery of one little package...

Nespresso CitiZ Espresso Machine- Photo by Taste As You Go

Nespresso CitiZ Espresso Machine - Photo by Taste As You Go

Meet the Nespresso CitiZ espresso machine, a machine that relies on the concept of brewing coffee one capsule at a time. Its sleek and slim design makes the CitiZ an ideal addition to any kitchen, especially the typical tiny New York City kitchen that's tight on counter space. While I selected the black model, the machine comes in a variety of colors to match any decor, including red, grey, and retro white.

Box of Nespresso CitiZ Capsules - Photo by Taste As You Go

Box of Nespresso CitiZ Capsules - Photo by Taste As You Go

Box of Nespresso CitiZ Capsules - Photo by Taste As You Go

The machine itself came with a starter kit of capsules, but I was fortunate enough to receive a case of capsules featuring samples of The 16 Grand Crus, sixteen varieties of espresso with distinct characters and aromatic and flavor profiles:

Espresso Blends
  • Ristretto - powerful and contrasting (Intensity 10)
  • Arpeggio - intense and creamy (Intensity 9)
  • Roma - full and balanced (Intensity 8)
  • Livanto - round and balanced (Intensity 6)
  • Capriccio - rich and distinctive (Intensity 5)
  • Volluto - sweet and fruity (Intensity 4)
  • Cosi - light with citrus notes (Intensity 3)
Pure Origin Espressos
  • Indriya from India - powerful and spicy (Intensity 10)
  • Rosabaya de Colombia - fruity and balanced (Intensity 6)
  • Dulsao do Brasil - sweet and smooth (Intensity 5)
  • Fortissio Lungo - rich and intensity (Intensity 7)
  • Vivalto Lungo - complex and balanced (Intensity 4)
  • Finezzo Lungo - flowery and refreshing (Intensity 3)
  • Decaffeinato Intenso - dense and powerful (Intensity 7)
  • Decaffeinato Lungo - light and full-flavoured (Intensity 3)
  • Decaffeinato - fruity and delicate (Intensity 2)

Clearly... something for everyone!

Getting Ready to Brew Espresso with the Nespresso CitiZ - Photo by Taste As You Go

Once you go through the recommended steps for setting up the Nespresso CitiZ for its initial use, the rest is cake. Remember those espresso cups I picked up from The Brooklyn Kitchen? This is why I needed them. I didn't think it was appropriate to use a regular coffee mug to make my first cup of espresso.

Selecting a Nespresso CitiZ Capsule - Photo by Taste As You Go

After you select your capsule...

Inserted Nespresso CitiZ Capsule - Photo by Taste As You Go

... just insert it into the top of the machine and push the handle down to close. Press the Espresso or Lungo button and stand back to watch.

Espresso Brewing - Photo by Taste As You Go

Isn't that a beautiful thing?

Freshly Brewed Espresso - Photo by Taste As You Go

In no time, I had a cup of freshly brewed espresso. Perfection!

Taste As You Go Coffee Bar - Photo by Taste As You Go

So, now, after several positive test runs with the Nespresso CitiZ espresso machine, I had to make room on my table for yet another appliance dedicated to coffee.

One big happy family!

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