Featured Friday, Volume 1.8

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The last time I wrote a Featured Friday post, I was staring down the reality of a 9-mile marathon training run the next morning. That was back in August and I can now count the weeks until the Hartford Marathon on one hand. Tomorrow, I'll be pushing myself through the longest run I've ever done IN MY LIFE:

a 14-miler

I'm anxious and nervous that my body won't hold up and should probably go to bed to rest up. But I wanted to give a really quick shout-out first.

DIY Brown Sugar

Have you ever had your heart set on baking a delicious treat only to have that excitement deflated upon discovering the lack of brown sugar in your cupboard? Jump over to Joy the Baker, where Joy shows us all just how easy it is to make your own brown sugar. And, because you're in charge of how much molasses goes in there, making brown sugar in your kitchen falls right into line with my belief that you should taste as you go!

Wish me luck with my training run and have a great weekend, everyone!

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