Notice Anything Different?

Over the past few months, I've been slowly rolling out changes to my blog, beginning back in November with a new logo, a new design, and a new layout. If you've been keeping up via RSS reader, you may not have noticed these changes, so it's time to give you all a tour of the new (and improved) Taste As You Go!
Are you ready?

Gone is the logo made from a collage of various pictures of me... eating. In its place is a much more straightforward logo, created simply by typing out of the name of the blog in a fun new font and tacking on a spoon... a tasting spoon. And the colors? I chose orange and green to invoke the color of vegetables -- carrots and peas. Appropriate for a food blog, right?
To the right of the logo are more prominent navigation links:

Curious to see whether my writing or my photos appear in places other than on Taste As You Go? The Freelance Work page indexes the work I've done to date so my work is easy to find.

The updated Recipe Index is organized in a similar manner. Main categories of recipes appear first, with Sweets, Fruit, Vegetables, and More Resources (i.e. cooking technique or dietary concerns) broken down even further.

As for the Restaurant Reviews page, you can now search by city or by cuisine. A lot of work to build, but worth every frustrating broken HTML error. I'll put in the effort if it means a more positive user experience!

Speaking of Restaurant Reviews, I've updated every single review I've written to include a link to a Google map pinpointing its exact location. A seemingly minor change with major impact. Now it's extremely easy to click over to the map and plan out how you're going to get to the restaurant!

I didn't just stop with the changes made to the blog. On January 1st, I finally launched the official Taste As You Go Facebook Page, and the support has been tremendous so far! I was hesitant to create a Facebook Page for the blog because I didn't think I'd have the time to make it an interesting space, but I realized that the Page allows me to interact with readers who would rather leave comments about my blog posts on Facebook than leave them on the posts themselves. If you haven't become a fan yet, you should!
So, that's what I've been working on "behind the scenes" over the past few months. If you have any suggestions as to how I could make Taste As You Go even better, let me know!
Thanks for taking the tour!