Preview of Weeknights with Giada: Chicken with Tarragon and White Wine
Cover of Weeknights with Giada / Image Credit: Target
I was provided access to this recipe and this photo through communications from a PR firm. I did not accept monetary compensation for writing about Giada De Laurentiis' new cookbook or about the recipe. All opinions expressed are my own.
Given my hectic commuting schedule (and lack of energy upon arrival at home), I'm thinking I need to pick up a copy of this immediately. It might save Stephen and me from sending the "What do you want for dinner tonight?" text messages while I'm on the bus back from New York!
Chicken with Tarragon and White Wine by Giada De
Laurentiis / Image Credit: Target (via Amy Neunsinger)
In an interview with Target, Giada mentions that her recipe for Chicken with Tarragon and White Wine makes great leftovers. Music to our ears, right?
This is just one of the recipes included in Weeknights with Giada. Amy Neunsinger has captured a stunning photo of the finished dish -- proof that a weeknight meal can be both simple and elegant.
You, dear readers, are lucky. Today, you get to preview Giada's new cookbook and get your hands on her recipe for Chicken with Tarragon and White Wine.
Looks delicious, doesn't it? I think I want Stephen to make this for me the next time it's his turn to cook.
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