What's for Dinner: July 23 - July 29

Vase of Pink Peonies | Photo by Rebecca Lee Creative via Unsplash

Another week has gone by and we aren't any closer to moving. 

We've put an offer on another house, and now we're waiting to hear whether the sellers have accepted it. 

(For those who haven't heard... We lost the first house... and thanks to some terrible timing, we lost the second house before we could even put our offer on the table. We really need this one to go our way.)

On the bright side, we've accepted an offer on our house. Hooray! We've scheduled the inspection for later this week... so fingers it goes smoothly.

So I have something to think about other than finding a house... here's our menu plan for the week. If you're curious to see what I've planned for dinner at our house, then keep reading!

A Week of Dinners: July 23 - July 29

Need Help Menu Planning? 

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